Class semper.payment.ecash.ecashTransaction
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Class semper.payment.ecash.ecashTransaction


public class ecashTransaction
extends PaymentTransaction
implements CashLikePurseServices
ecash Adapter
See Also:
PaymentTransaction, Purse, CashLikePurseServices, PaymentTransactionRecord, PaymentEntity, Amount

Constructor Index

 o ecashTransaction(ecashTransactionRecord, ecashPurse)
Constructor of the class.

Method Index

 o abort()
Abort transaction.
 o deposit(Amount, Vector, String)
Deposit Implementing from CashLikePurseServices
 o doMicropayment(Amount)
Do Micropayments Implementing from Account Based Grouped Services
 o getState()
Get current status for the Transaction object.
 o getTransactionRecord()
Gets an associated Record for this transaction.
 o pay(PaymentEntity, Amount, Vector, String)
Pay method.
 o receiveMicropayment(Amount)
Receive (get and enjoy) a Micropayment Tipically invoked for the seller.
 o receivePayment(PaymentEntity, Amount, Vector, String)
Receive a Payment.
 o receiveRawPayment(PaymentEntity, PaymentEntity, Amount, Vector, String)
Receive "not cooked" payment (information) Receive securely a bunch of information that would be used in the payment.
 o resume()
Resume transaction.
 o reversePayment(PaymentTransactionRecord)
Payment Reversal Request on a generic Payment System
 o reverseReceivedPayment(PaymentTransactionRecord)
Accept a Payment Reversal
 o startMicropayment(PaymentEntity, Amount, Vector, String)
Start micropayments.
 o startReceiveMicropayment(PaymentEntity, Vector, String)
Start (get ready to) accept Micropayments.
 o stopMicropayment()
Stop making all those micropayments This method informs that the micropayments should stop and then the transaction must finish.
 o stopReceiveMicropayment()
Stop getting those Micropayments (please) The seller will claim this method.
 o withdraw(Amount, Vector, String)
Withdraw Implementing from CashLikePurseServices


 o ecashTransaction
  public ecashTransaction(ecashTransactionRecord pr,
                          ecashPurse epurse) throws PaymentServiceException
Constructor of the class. Creates an ecash Transaction object, setting the type of transaction and the status of the transaction to none.
See Also:


 o abort
  public void abort()
Abort transaction. Get's the transaction to a stable status. Implemented abstract method from semper.payment.PaymentTransaction
abort in class PaymentTransaction
See Also:
 o resume
  public void resume()
Resume transaction. After having booted this transaction was in a communication state. It has to be resent and get to a previous safe point before the service interruption. Implemented abstract method from semper.payment.PaymentTransaction
See Also:
 o getTransactionRecord
  public PaymentTransactionRecord getTransactionRecord()
Gets an associated Record for this transaction. This transaction must be referenced by an PaymentTransactionRecord object, that will store and describe it perfectly. Implemented abstract method from semper.payment.PaymentTransaction
getTransactionRecord in class PaymentTransaction
See Also:
getTransactionRecord, PaymentTransactionRecord
 o getState
  public PaymentTransactionState getState()
Get current status for the Transaction object. Implemented abstract method from semper.payment.PaymentTransaction
getState in class PaymentTransaction
See Also:
 o withdraw
  public void withdraw(Amount amount,
                       Vector options,
                       String ext_ref) throws PaymentServiceException
Withdraw Implementing from CashLikePurseServices
See Also:
 o deposit
  public void deposit(Amount amount,
                      Vector options,
                      String ext_ref) throws PaymentServiceException
Deposit Implementing from CashLikePurseServices
See Also:
 o pay
  public void pay(PaymentEntity payee,
                  Amount amount,
                  Vector options,
                  String ext_ref) throws PaymentServiceException
Pay method. Implementing from PurseServices.
payee - entity getting paid
amount - amount to be paid
options - specified & negotiated options for the payment
ext_ref - a reference for the payment, paydescr.
Throws: PaymentServiceException
to be handled
pay in class PaymentTransaction
See Also:
 o receivePayment
  public void receivePayment(PaymentEntity payer,
                             Amount max_amount,
                             Vector options,
                             String ext_ref) throws PaymentServiceException
Receive a Payment. This method is invoked from the Seller for receiving a payment
payer - The entity that will perform the payment
options - Options agreeded in the payment
ext_ref - A reference to use for the payment, like the item being buyed or something similar.
Throws: PaymentServiceException
to be handled
receivePayment in class PaymentTransaction
See Also:
 o startMicropayment
  public void startMicropayment(PaymentEntity payee,
                                Amount max_amount,
                                Vector options,
                                String ext_ref)
Start micropayments. Prepare for a series of subsequent micropayment operations. This will return an PaymentTransaction object on which related GroupedPurseServices operations can be performed. This abstract method is implementing the abstract method in PurseServices.startMicropayment()
payer - The entity making the payment, payer normally
payee - The entity accepting the payment, seller normally
max_amount - Maximum limit for the amount to be paid
options - List of Security Service options for the transaction
ext_ref - External reference string, e.g. "1 kg. potatoes"
An PaymentTransaction object
See Also:
 o startReceiveMicropayment
  public void startReceiveMicropayment(PaymentEntity payee,
                                       Vector options,
                                       String ext_ref)
Start (get ready to) accept Micropayments.
See Also:
 o reversePayment
  public void reversePayment(PaymentTransactionRecord payment_reference)
Payment Reversal Request on a generic Payment System
reversePayment in class PaymentTransaction
See Also:
 o reverseReceivedPayment
  public void reverseReceivedPayment(PaymentTransactionRecord payment_reference)
Accept a Payment Reversal
reverseReceivedPayment in class PaymentTransaction
See Also:
 o receiveRawPayment
  public PaymentTransaction receiveRawPayment(PaymentEntity payer,
                                              PaymentEntity payee,
                                              Amount max_amount,
                                              Vector options,
                                              String ext_ref)
Receive "not cooked" payment (information) Receive securely a bunch of information that would be used in the payment. Like the credit number, ... etc. Implementing from Account Based Purse Services
See Also:
 o doMicropayment
  public void doMicropayment(Amount amount)
Do Micropayments Implementing from Account Based Grouped Services
See Also:
 o stopMicropayment
  public void stopMicropayment()
Stop making all those micropayments This method informs that the micropayments should stop and then the transaction must finish. Implementing from Grouped Purse Services
See Also:
 o receiveMicropayment
  public void receiveMicropayment(Amount amount)
Receive (get and enjoy) a Micropayment Tipically invoked for the seller. Implementing abstract from Grouped Purse Services
See Also:
 o stopReceiveMicropayment
  public void stopReceiveMicropayment()
Stop getting those Micropayments (please) The seller will claim this method. It will stop accepting incoming micropayments. Implementing from abstract in Grouped Purse Services
See Also:

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