Class semper.payment.PaymentTransaction
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Class semper.payment.PaymentTransaction


public class PaymentTransaction
extends Object
implements PurseServices
Class for the primary objects implementing payment services PaymentTransaction is the primary object in the payment service blocks for carrying out transactions. Each active transaction corresponds to a PaymentTransaction object. The payment manager has a list of all active transactions. The constructor of each PaymentTransaction object is responsible for notifying the payment manager of its creation. Each PaymentTransaction object creates a PaymentTransactionRecord object. At the end of the transaction or at the end of a session (even if the transaction is unfinished), the PaymentTransaction object is removed while the PaymentTransactionRecord is not. They stay in the archive for a longer term. The adapter of a new payment system Xyz will define XyzTransaction as a subclass of this class. So for now, we'll leave it as an abstract class. In case we need transaction records for non-purse transactions (e.g. payment manager transactions) in the payment service block, we'll later make it non-abstract.
$Revision: 1.8 $ $Date: 1997/01/27 10:56:29 $
N. Asokan ([email protected])
See Also:
PaymentManager, PaymentTransactionRecord

Constructor Index

 o PaymentTransaction()

Method Index

 o abort()
Abort the current transaction, if possible.
 o finalize()
 o getState()
Return the state of the Transaction.
 o getTransactionRecord()
Return a reference to the PaymentTransactionRecord associated with this Transaction.
 o pay(PaymentEntity, Amount, Vector, String)
Move specified amount from payer to payee.
 o pay(PaymentEntity, Amount, Vector, String[])
Depracated (will be removed shortly)
 o receivePayment(PaymentEntity, Amount, Vector, String)
Accept incoming payment from a payer.
 o receivePayment(PaymentEntity, Amount, Vector, String[])
Depracated (will be removed shortly)
 o reversePayment(PaymentTransactionRecord)
Request reversal of a previously made payment.
 o reverseReceivedPayment(PaymentTransactionRecord)
Process request for reversing a previously received payment.
 o suspendTransaction()
Suspend a transaction.


 o PaymentTransaction
  public PaymentTransaction()


 o abort
  public abstract void abort()
Abort the current transaction, if possible.
 o getState
  public abstract PaymentTransactionState getState()
Return the state of the Transaction.
 o getTransactionRecord
  public abstract PaymentTransactionRecord getTransactionRecord()
Return a reference to the PaymentTransactionRecord associated with this Transaction.
PaymentTransactionRecord object corresponding to this transaction
See Also:
 o suspendTransaction
  public PaymentTransactionRecord suspendTransaction() throws PaymentServiceException
Suspend a transaction.
payment transaction record for this transaction
Throws: PaymentServiceException
if suspension failed
See Also:
resumeTransaction, resumeTransaction
 o finalize
  protected void finalize() throws IOException
finalize in class Object
 o pay
  public void pay(PaymentEntity payee,
                  Amount amount,
                  Vector options,
                  String a_ext_ref[]) throws PaymentServiceException
Depracated (will be removed shortly)
Throws: PaymentServiceException
as in above
See Also:
 o receivePayment
  public void receivePayment(PaymentEntity payer,
                             Amount amount,
                             Vector options,
                             String a_ext_ref[]) throws PaymentServiceException
Depracated (will be removed shortly)
Throws: PaymentServiceException
as in above
See Also:

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