(Secure Environment for Information Systems in Medicine)
A project in the European Union's AIM program (Advanced Informatics in Medicine, number A2033).
Started in January 1992, will probably end in March 1996.
Develops Guidelines for Security in medical applications of information technology.
For more details, see, e.g., some articles in Section 'Health Care Informatics' of our literature list -- you find some abstracts and papers online from there.
- The SSADM College Limited, GB
- NHS MGMT. Executive's Inf. MGMT. Centre, GB
- The Royal London Hospital, GB
- Bazis Foundation, NL
- Leiden University Hospital, NL
- Hopital Cantonal Univ. de Geneve, CH
- University of the Aegean, GR
- University of Thessaloniki, GR
- Indecon, GR
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, B
- Vrije Universiteit - Amsterdem, NL
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientific, F
- Polytechnic Southwest, GB
- Plymouth Health Authority, GB
- University College Dublin, IRL
- Tritech Numerical Consultants Ltd., IRL
- and us: Universität Hildesheim, Institut für Informatik.
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Gerrit Bleumer
[email protected]
Date of last real modification: Dec. 8, 1994