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Cybercrime and e-Fraud
Remark: This page contains pointers to documents that are
related to the legal and forensic aspects of cybercrime, and to risk
analysis. Other, more computer security oriented links are on the page
on "Security and Cryptography".
- The Council Europe, European Committee on Crime Problems (CDPC),
Committee of Experts on Crime in Cyber-Space (PC-CY): Draft
Convention on Cyber-crime; Prepared by the Secretariat
Directorate General I (Legal Affairs)
- US: The President�s Working Groupon Unlawful Conduct on the Internet;
March 9, 2000:
The Electronic Frontier: the Challenge of Unlawful Conduct Involving the Use of the Internet
- US National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC); October 6th, 1999:
Cyber Threat Assessment
- UK National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS); June 22nd, 1999:
Project Trawler: Crime
On The Information Highways
- National Research Council, 1999:
Trust in Cyberspace
Committee on Information Systems Trustworthiness;
National Academy Press.
- Parliament of Australia, Dr Adam Cobb, Foreign Affairs, Defence
and Trade Group; June 29th, 1998:
Thinking about the Unthinkable: Australian Vulnerabilities to
High-Tech Risks; Research Paper 18 1997-98 (More about
information warfare.)
- Council of Europe, Committee of Ministers; September 11th, 1995:
Recommendation No. R (95) 13 of the Committee of Ministers to
Member States Concerning Problems of Criminal Procedural Law
Connected with Information Technology (Adopted by the Committee
of Ministers on 11 September 1995 at the 543rd meeting of the
Ministers' Deputies)
- The Council of the European Union; January 17, 1995:
Council Resolution on the Lawful Interception of
- United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme;
International review of criminal policy - United Nations Manual
on the prevention and control of computer-related crime
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Last modified: $Date: 2001/08/31 18:31:41 $
Michael Waidner [email protected]