Class semper.payment.generic.genericModule
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Class semper.payment.generic.genericModule


public class genericModule
extends Object
Generic Payment Module. This module is the implementation of a "dummy" payment system. It is an "account-based" system. There are three types of entities in the system: the payer, the payee, and the bank. Currently, only one bank is supported. There are four types of transactions:
  • payment
  • authorisation
  • capture
  • registration/account-creation The bank knows each user by both a user name and an account number. To take money out of an account (e.g. in a payment), the bank must be given the account number: the account number is sort of like a credit-card number. All protocols are of the request/response type. All protocol messages have the same structure (of class genericModuleMessage)
    $Revision: 1.26 $ $Date: 1997/02/27 14:18:24 $
    N. Asokan ([email protected])

    Constructor Index

     o genericModule()

    Method Index

     o genericAccountStatus(String, ComPointAddress, StringBuffer, StringBuffer)
    Get the status of the account
     o genericAuthorise(String, ComPointAddress, String, String)
    Check authorisation for a payment.
     o genericCapture(String, String, ComPointAddress, String, String)
    Capture a payment.
     o genericInit(ComPointAddress)
    Initialise/re-initialise the system.
     o genericPay(String, String, String, ComPointAddress, String, String, String)
    Send a payment.
     o genericReceivePayment(ChannelServicePointThread, String[], String[], String[], String[], String, ComPointAddress, String)
    Receive a payment from anyone
     o genericRegister(String, ComPointAddress, String, String)
    Register the account with the acquirer.


     o genericModule
      public genericModule()


     o genericInit
      public static ChannelServicePointThread genericInit(ComPointAddress addr) throws genericModuleException
    Initialise/re-initialise the system. This method registers a port/protocol with with the communication manager so that incoming payment messages can be handled.
    addr - ComPointAddress object indicating port and protocol
    a handle to the service point thread created
    Throws: genericModuleException
    if the registration fails.
     o genericPay
      public static genericEvidence genericPay(String payer_name,
                                               String payer_AC_number,
                                               String payee_name,
                                               ComPointAddress payee,
                                               String amount,
                                               String currency,
                                               String ext_ref) throws genericModuleException
    Send a payment. Sends a payment to the specified party.
    payer_name - name by which we are to be known to the payee (this need not be the same name that the bank knows us by)
    payer_AC_number - our account number in the bank
    payee_name - name of the payee
    payee - address of the payee
    amount - numeric value of payment
    currency - currency of payment
    ext_ref - external reference string to be passed on to the other side
    genericEvidence object containing results and status
    Throws: genericModuleException
    on all sorts of errors
    See Also:
     o genericReceivePayment
      public static genericEvidence genericReceivePayment(ChannelServicePointThread in_portal,
                                                          String a_amount[],
                                                          String a_currency[],
                                                          String a_payer_name[],
                                                          String a_payer_AC_number[],
                                                          String my_AC_number,
                                                          ComPointAddress acquirer,
                                                          String ext_ref) throws genericModuleException
    Receive a payment from anyone
    in_portal - service point thread created when we registered our address with comm. manager
    a_amount - numeric value of payment (return value)
    a_currency - currency of payment (return value)
    a_payer_name - name of the payer (return value)
    a_payer_AC_number - (return value)
    ext_ref - external reference string passed on from the other side
    my_AC_number - my account number at the acquirer
    acquirer - address of the acquirer
    genericEvidence object containing results and status
    Throws: genericModuleException
    on all sorts of errors
    See Also:
     o genericAuthorise
      public static genericEvidence genericAuthorise(String payer_AC_number,
                                                     ComPointAddress acquirer,
                                                     String amount,
                                                     String currency) throws genericModuleException
    Check authorisation for a payment. Check to see if the payer account has enough money for a proposed payment.
    payer_AC_nymber - payer's account number
    acquirer - address of the acquirer bank
    amount - numeric value of proposed payment
    currency - currency of proposed payment
    ext_ref - external reference string
    genericEvidence object containing results and status
    Throws: genericModuleException
    on all sorts of errors
     o genericAccountStatus
      public static genericEvidence genericAccountStatus(String account_number,
                                                         ComPointAddress acquirer,
                                                         StringBuffer amount,
                                                         StringBuffer currency) throws genericModuleException
    Get the status of the account
    account_number - number of the account
    acquirer - address of the acquirer
    amount - holder for return value: amount
    currency - holder for return value: currency
    evidence accumulated during the transaction
    Throws: genericModuleException
    on misc.errors.
     o genericCapture
      public static genericEvidence genericCapture(String payer_AC_number,
                                                   String payee_AC_number,
                                                   ComPointAddress acquirer,
                                                   String amount,
                                                   String currency) throws genericModuleException
    Capture a payment. Arrange for the payment amount to be moved from the payer's account to our account.
    payer_AC_nymber - payer's account number
    payee_AC_nymber - payee's account number
    acquirer - address of the acquirer bank
    amount - numeric value of proposed payment
    currency - currency of proposed payment
    ext_ref - external reference string
    genericEvidence object containing results and status
    Throws: genericModuleException
    on all sorts of errors
     o genericRegister
      public static String genericRegister(String name,
                                           ComPointAddress acquirer,
                                           String amount,
                                           String currency) throws genericModuleException
    Register the account with the acquirer. Create/renew an account and set the account balance to the specified amount.
    name - name of the account holder
    acquirer - address of the bank
    amount - value of the new balance
    currency - currency of the new balance
    ext_ref - external reference string
    String representing the account number
    Throws: genericModuleException
    for misc. errors

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