Class semper.certificate.CertificateMan
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Class semper.certificate.CertificateMan
- public class CertificateMan
- extends Object
- implements CertificateConstants, ComPointConstants, CryptoConstants
The certificate manager provides services for registering a public key in order to
get a certificate, and handling of issued certificates both at the user side and
the RA/CA side.
The actual handling of certificates is done in a module, while the manager provides
an interface to the module. For example, verification of a certificate is done
in the module so that the manager does not need to know the details of the
implementation of the certificate. Similarly handling of registration (such as
details of the registration form and rules for issuing certificates) is done
by the module. The present version of the certificate block only supports a single
CA, but it will be upgraded to support a hierarchy of of CAs. Furthermore, it
assumes that the roles of RA and CA will be played by the same party (as is the case
in the initial SEMPER trials.
Please see here for more information about the
certificate service block.
- This method builds the preferences needed by the certificate block.
- Send changed Certificate to client.
- Check whether the Certificate is ok.
checkRegistrationStatus(ComPointAddress, long, Vector)
- checkRegistrationStatus checks the status of the registration
clientCall(ComPointAddress, Vector, IntObject)
- A clientCall can be used to setup a communication point with the CA server.
computeFingerprint(CryptoKeyInfo, int)
- Computes a fingerprint of a public key on the TINGUIN.
fillOutTemplate(Template, Document, CryptoKeyInfo)
- Fill out the template.
- getAllCAnames output the distinguished names of all the CA/RAs
at which the Client has registered a Certificate.
getCertificate(Certificate, boolean)
- Retrieve the certificate(s) which are like the certificate given
as an argument.
getChangedCertificate(Certificate, Vector)
- Try to get a changed certificate from ca.
- Get filled Template from client.
- getLocalCertificates retrieves a selection of local certificates (from
the local archive).
getNewCertificate(ComPointAddress, Vector)
- getNewCertificate tries to get a newly issued certificate after issuing a
sendCertificateRequest in case the certificate was not received previously.
- Get Public Key from client which should equal public key in template.
getRegistration(ComPointAddress, long, Vector)
- getRegistration tries to obtain the issued registration from RA.
- getSrvAddress uses a Distinguished name of CA/RA to
retrieve a ComPointAddress (this is automagically stored, when
one accesses RA/CA first time).
getTrustedPK(ComPointAddress, Vector)
- Get the trusted public Key of the CA.
- Handles the incoming request on the CA side.
- Initialises the Certification Manager.
- Install certificate.
- Store registration in Archive under special access name.
installTrustedPK(String, CryptoKeyInfo)
- Install the trusted public Key of the CA.
- Tells whether CertificateMan is initialised.
issueCertificate(Registration, CryptoKeyInfo, int, int, Date, Date, int)
- Issue new certificate for myClient.
issueCertificateRequest(ComPointAddress, Vector, long, int, int, Date, Date, int)
- After registration I can get certificates from a CA that accepts
the RA I registered with and has an account there.
- Issue new registration based upon template.
- Remove the given Certificate from Archive.
retrieveCertificate(Object, int, boolean)
- Retrieve a list of certificates.
- Retrieve the installed trusted public Key of the CA.
- sendCertificate tries to send a list of certificates after receiving a
request from myClient.
sendChangeCertificateRequest(Certificate, Vector)
- Send a request to change the Certificate identifed by cert.getSerialNR()
issued by cert.getCADN().
sendError(ComPoint, String)
- Send error: Send an error to the opposite side.
sendFilledTemplate(ComPointAddress, Vector, Template, CryptoKeyInfo, int)
- Send the filled-in template, returned by fillinTemplate.
- Send issued Certificate to client.
sendPublicKey(ComPointAddress, CryptoKeyInfo)
- Send the Public Key which is also a part of the filled-in template.
- Send registration to client.
- Send status of the registration-proces to client.
- Send Template to myClient.
sendTemplateRequest(ComPointAddress, Vector)
- Send the initial request during the Registration phase to the
server indicating to server that I want a registration Template
for the RA (which currently is co-located at CA).
- Send trusted public key to myClient.
showFingerprint(String, CryptoKeyInfo, int)
- Shows a fingerprint of a public key on the TINGUIN.
showFingerprint(String, int)
- Shows a fingerprint of the public key of a CA on the TINGUIN.
- Store certificate in Arhive.
storePublicKey(CryptoKeyInfo, String, long)
- Store myClients Public Key used for the lastly issued template.client
which should equal public key in template.
public static String _user
public CertificateMan()
public static boolean isInitialised()
- Tells whether CertificateMan is initialised.
The CertificateMan is initialised when CertificateMan.init() has been
sucessfully executed.
- Returns:
- s true if CertificateMan.init() has been executed, false otherwise.
public static void buildPrefs(boolean isCA)
- This method builds the preferences needed by the certificate block. For the moment the following
preferences can be selected: when should expired registrations and certificates be
removed. The CA can additionally set the conditions under which a certificate can be
updated and issued automatically.
Further choices are planned: the most important one is to let the user specify when
a certificate must be verified on-line.
public static void init() throws CertificateManException, RuntimeException
- Initialises the Certification Manager.
The initialisation reads a number of settings from the configuration.
First it reads "semper.certificate.isServer" to determine if CA-functinality is
required, where "0" means no, "1" means "yes" (if this is not set, it is
interpreted as "0".
Next the user name is set by reading "semper.configuration.username". If this
is not present, the user name is read from the system.
The distinguished name and the address of the CA is read from
"semper.certificate.CADN" and "semper.certificate.CAHost", respectively.
The name of the class implementing templates needed for registration is
read from "semper.certificate.TempName".
The name of the class implementing registrations is
read from "semper.certificate.RegName".
The name of the module implementing the registration procedure is read from
"semper.certificate.RCModName" and the name of the implementation of the
certificate is read from "semper.certificate.CertName".
init() also initialises the preferences set by the CA and for a CA the module
is initialised. This means that the public key of the CA is recovered.
See here what happens in the module implemented
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if a requested module could not be loaded
or initialised
public static Streamable handleRequest(ComPoint cp) throws CertificateManException
- Handles the incoming request on the CA side. This function reads a request
on the ComPoint given as input parameter and calls a function handling
the request.
- Parameters:
- ComPoint - cp: A client ComPoint, normally a newly accepted one
- Returns:
- s Streamable that the Client sent to me and has to be verified.
This might either be a Filled Template which is the basis for
issuing a registration or a partially filled Certificate,
which either is to be used to issue a new certificate
or to change an existing certificate.
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if an error during the Communication
public static void sendTrustedPK(Client myClient) throws CertificateManException
- Send trusted public key to myClient. The trusted public key is the public key of
the CA which is not certified. This key is simply sent to the client with
not protection at all. This is a reply to a call of getTrustedPK at the client side.
- Parameters:
- myClient: - The client, that sent a getTrustedPK request and
therefore shall get my trusted public key as requested.
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if communication fails.
- See Also:
- getTrustedPK
public static synchronized void sendTemplate(Client myClient) throws CertificateManException
- Send Template to myClient. This method is synchronised in order to avoid
two different templates getting the same serial number. The client request
a Template using sendTemplateRequest.
- Parameters:
- myClient: - The client, that sent a getTemplateRequest and therefore
shall get a template as requested
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if a send during this phase fails.
- See Also:
- sendTemplateRequest
public static CryptoKeyInfo getPublicKey(Client myClient) throws CertificateManException
- Get Public Key from client which should equal public key in template.
Store this public key via storePublicKey(). The client can send the public
key using sendPublicKey.
- Parameters:
- myClient - is the Client from which to receive public key.
- Returns:
- the public key received from the user (client)
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if send/receive fails.
- See Also:
- sendPublicKey, storePublicKey
public static void storePublicKey(CryptoKeyInfo pkey,
String userName,
long templateNr) throws CertificateManException
- Store myClients Public Key used for the lastly issued template.client
which should equal public key in template.
- Parameters:
- pkey: - the Public Key to be stored.
- userName: - DN of user for whom to store public key.
- templateNr: - Nr of Template which has this public key as
its public key.
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if storing fails, or the client
hasn't sent the filled-out Template yet.
public static Template getFilledTemplate(Client myClient)
- Get filled Template from client. This method also verifies signature on
template against the public key to be registered (to crosscheck, whether the user
indeed has access to the secret key which is the counterpart to
the public key in the Template). This metod also computes a designated name for
the client based on the information in the template (done by module). This designated name
is sent to the client. The client sends the filled out template using
- Parameters:
- myClient: - Client who filled out Template.
- Returns:
- the filled out template if the verification and all communication
succeeded. Null otherwise.
- See Also:
- computeDN, sendFilledTemplate
public static void installRegistration(Registration reg) throws CertificateManException
- Store registration in Archive under special access name. This service
has to be called in order to be able to retrieve the Registration later.
that the registration is stored
The client can use this as well in order to store the registration locally.
- Parameters:
- reg: - the Registration that shall be installed.
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if the Archive can't
process the request.
public static void sendRegistration(Client myClient) throws CertificateManException
- Send registration to client. This method allows the CA/RA to send the information
registered about a client to the client. The client requests this information
using getRegistration.
- Parameters:
- myClient: - Client for which registration is (should have been)
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if send fails.
- See Also:
- getRegistration
public static void sendRegistrationStatus(Client myClient) throws CertificateManException
- Send status of the registration-proces to client. The client request this
using checkRegistrationStatus(). The status is computed by
the module.
- Parameters:
- myClient: - Client for which registration is or shall be issued
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if send fails.
- See Also:
- checkRegistrationStatus
public static Registration issueRegistration(Template templ) throws CertificateManException
- Issue new registration based upon template. Based on the information in a filled
out template the CA registers the user.
- Parameters:
- templ: - Template which has to be the basis for this registration.
- Returns:
- the Registration object corresponding to the registered information
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if issuing registration isn't
public static void sendIssuedCertificate(Client myClient) throws CertificateManException
- Send issued Certificate to client. A user in the process of being registered can
request a certificate using issueCertificateRequest.
This service first verifies that the client has registered. If not an error is
sent to the client. If the user has been registered this service tries to
issue a certificate. Whether this succeeds or not depends on the preferences set
by the CA.
- Parameters:
- myClient: - Client who sent request to issue Certificate
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if send fails.
- See Also:
- issueCertificateRequest
public static Certificate changeCertificate(Client myClient) throws CertificateManException
- Send changed Certificate to client. The client can request a certificate to be changed
using sendChangeCertificateRequest. In order to respond to this request, the
CA does the following: get the new (unsigned) certificate from the client,
verifies that the client already has a certificate with the given serial number,
and if allowed by the preferences (i.e., if the requested changes are not too dramatic)
issues a new certificate as requested. The new certificate is also returned.
This service is stil not fully imlemented. In particular, the new certificate is
not signed for the moment.
- Parameters:
- myClient: - Client who sent request tochange Certificate
- Returns:
- The new certificate (null if the change failed)
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if send fails.
- See Also:
- sendChangeCertificateRequest
public static Certificate issueCertificate(Registration reg,
CryptoKeyInfo pKey,
int scope,
int type,
Date startValid,
Date endValid,
int status) throws CertificateException, CertificateManException
- Issue new certificate for myClient. This service simply uses the module to issue
a new certificate according to the parameters given as input.
Thus this service should
only be called if the CA has decided to issue the certificate. This service uses
a corresponding service of the module to actually issue the certificate.
- Parameters:
- reg - is the registration that is the basis of the certificate
- pKey: - the public Key to be certified with the new Certificate.
- scope: - the scope for this Certificate (Signature, Encryption).
- type: - Type of the Certificate (Key, Attribute, Hybrid).
- startValid: - start of the timeperiod in which this certificate
is valid.
- endValid: - end of the timeperiod in which this certificate
is valid.
- status - the status of the new certificate
- Returns:
- the issued certificate is returned
- Throws: CertificateException
- if there weren't any serialnos
for Certificates available any more, or another failure
occurred during the generation of the certificate.
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if the issued Certificate
couldn't be stored.
- See Also:
- issueCertificate
public static void installCertificate(Certificate cert) throws CertificateManException
- Install certificate. A pseudonym for storeCertificate in order to maintain
compatibility with previous interface. Will at some point be deleted.
- Parameters:
- cert: - Certificate to be stored.
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if store fails.
public static void storeCertificate(Certificate cert) throws CertificateManException
- Store certificate in Arhive. Can also be used by client.
- Parameters:
- cert: - Certificate to be stored.
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if store fails.
public static void sendError(ComPoint comPoint,
String message) throws CertificateManException
- Send error: Send an error to the opposite side. This function
is used to send an error, by first sending an ERROR code and then an error message.
- Parameters:
- comPoint: - comPoint to the other part
- message: - Error Message to be sent
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if the error couldn't be sent
public static Vector getLocalCertificates(Certificate partialCert)
- getLocalCertificates retrieves a selection of local certificates (from
the local archive). A partial Certificate, containing null or 0 for unidentified
fields and correct values for the other fields is used as search criteria.
- Parameters:
- partialCert - is the Certificate containing search criteria.
- Returns:
- s a Vector of certificates from the archive matching the search criteria.
public static void sendCertificate(Client myClient) throws CertificateManException
- sendCertificate tries to send a list of certificates after receiving a
request from myClient. In order to do so, the client has
to send a partial Certificate, containing null or 0 for unidentified
fields and correct values for the other fields.
- Parameters:
- Client - myClient is the client who sent a getCertificatesRequest.
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if the retrieved certifiactes
couldn't be sent to myClient.
public static CryptoKeyInfo getTrustedPK(ComPointAddress srvAddr,
Vector options) throws CertificateManException
- Get the trusted public Key of the CA. This call results in the CA sending the
public key using sendTrustedPK.
- Parameters:
- srvAddr: - ComPointAddress of the CA-server.
- options - can be used to st options to be used in communication
- Returns:
- s trustedPK: CA's public key
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if Certificate Manaeger couldn't
get the key from CA.
- See Also:
- sendTrustedPK
public static void installTrustedPK(String caDN,
CryptoKeyInfo trustedPK) throws CertificateManException
- Install the trusted public Key of the CA. This service stores the public key
of the CA in the archive.
- Parameters:
- caDN: - Distinguished name of CA.
- trustedPK: - CA's public key
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if the key couldn't get installed
public static String computeFingerprint(CryptoKeyInfo trustedPK,
int hashAlg) throws CertificateManException
- Computes a fingerprint of a public key on the TINGUIN.
The fingerprint is the hashvalue computed using the given hashfunction and cnverted to
a hex�decimal String.
- Parameters:
- trustedPK - is the public key for which a fingerpring should be computed
- hashAlg - is ths hashing algorithm to be used for generating the
fingerprint. If 0 the default function for the CA is used.
- Returns:
- true if the user accepted the fingerprint of the key
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if, for some reason, the fingerprint
could not be displayed
public static boolean showFingerprint(String caDN,
CryptoKeyInfo trustedPK,
int hashAlg) throws CertificateManException
- Shows a fingerprint of a public key on the TINGUIN. This function allows the user
to compare his local copy of the trusted public key with other published copies
(e.g., with copies shown at the CA's home page). The fingerprint is computed using
If no key is given as parameter and no key has been installed for the CA this
method shows a message with no fingerpring on the TINGUIN (this may be changed later)
- Parameters:
- caDN - is the distinguished name of the CA
- trustedPK - is the public key for which a fingerpring should be shown (if
this is null a fingerpring of the installed public key of the CA will be shown)
- hashAlg - is ths hashing algorithm to be used for generating the
fingerprint. If 0 the default function for the CA is used.
- Returns:
- true if the user accepted the fingerprint of the key
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if, for some reason, the fingerprint
could not be displayed
- See Also:
- computeFingerprint
public static boolean showFingerprint(String caDN,
int hashAlg) throws CertificateManException
- Shows a fingerprint of the public key of a CA on the TINGUIN. This function allows the user
to compare his local copy of the trusted public key with other published copies
(e.g., with copies shown at the CA's home page). The fingerprint is computed using
If no public key for the CA has been installed an empty string will be depicted
as fingerprint.
- Parameters:
- caDN - is the distinguished name of the CA
- hashAlg - is ths hashing algorithm to be used for generating the
fingerprint. If 0 the default function for the CA is used.
- Returns:
- true if the user accepted the fingerprint of the key
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if, for some reason, the fingerprint
could not be displayed
- See Also:
- computeFingerprint
public static CryptoKeyInfo retrieveTrustedPK(String caDN) throws CertificateManException
- Retrieve the installed trusted public Key of the CA.
- Parameters:
- caDN: - Distinguished name of CA.
- Returns:
- s CryptoKeyInfo pkey, which represents the CA's public Key.
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if the pkey of that CA hasn't been
installed before (via installTrustedPK).
public static ComPoint clientCall(ComPointAddress serverAddress,
Vector options,
IntObject transferObject) throws CertificateManException
- A clientCall can be used to setup a communication point with the CA server. This Coppoint
is used for communication with the CA. The client also sends a message to the
server telling the name of the client and the purpose of creating this ComPoint (i.e.,
an identification of the request).
- Parameters:
- serverAddress: - Address of server, for which to establish
a ComPoint.
- options: - options to be passed to communicationmodule in
a call to Channel.openInitiator.
- transferObject: - The Object to send to the server initially
directly after establishing connection (should be an
IntObject indicating type of message)
- Returns:
- s the ComPoint established in this initial stage of one
communication. Should be closed after usage.
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if an error occurred during
the communication.
public static Template sendTemplateRequest(ComPointAddress serverAddress,
Vector options) throws CertificateManException
- Send the initial request during the Registration phase to the
server indicating to server that I want a registration Template
for the RA (which currently is co-located at CA). The RA/CA answers
this using sendTemplate. The Template (or registration form) received from the
CA contains a serial number, which is later used in registration and certificates.
During this request the user identifies himself
using his user name.
- Parameters:
- serverAddress - is the ComPointAddress of the RA-server at
which I want to be registrated.
- options: - option-Vector used in openInitiatorChannel.
- Returns:
- s ComPoint from which to receive the Template via
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if there was an error in the
- See Also:
- sendTemplate
public static void fillOutTemplate(Template templ,
Document doc,
CryptoKeyInfo pkey) throws CertificateManException
- Fill out the template.
This method allows a user to fill out the information requested during
registration through the TINGUIN.
- Parameters:
- templ - is the Template to be filled out
- doc - contains a description defined by the RA of the registration form
- pkey - The public Key, that should be used in the Registration
and later on in the certificate.
- Returns:
- s filled-in template.
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if the user did not fill out the template
public static boolean sendFilledTemplate(ComPointAddress srvAddr,
Vector options,
Template templ,
CryptoKeyInfo secrKey,
int hashAlg) throws CertificateManException
- Send the filled-in template, returned by fillinTemplate. The filled in
templated identifies the which the user must use during the rest of the
regstration. As part of this the client must send a signature using the
secret key corresponding to the public key to be registered. Based on the
information the RA sends back a designated name to the user. The uer must
use this in all future communications with the CA. The client also uses
this DN when storing the template in Archive.
- Parameters:
- srvAddr: - ComPointAddress of the RA-server.
- options: - Vector of options to be used in openInitiatorChannel.
- Template: - Filled-in Template returned by fillinTemplate.
- secrKey: - Secret Key belonging to the Public key sent in
the Certificate. This is used to create a Signature of
the Template. (Not implemented yet).
- Returns:
- s Boolean indicating whether server received Template
or not.
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if an error happened in the
- See Also:
- getFilledTemplate
public static void sendPublicKey(ComPointAddress srvAddr,
CryptoKeyInfo pkey) throws CertificateManException
- Send the Public Key which is also a part of the filled-in template.
This could also be done by visting the RA and delivering the
public key, together with the serial Nr. of the filled-in template
sent by the client. The CA receives this using getPublicKey.
- Parameters:
- srvAddr: - ComPointAddress of the RA-server to which I sent the
filled in template having this public key as one of its
- pkey: - The public key to be sent to the server.
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if the communication failed.
- See Also:
- getPublicKey
public static Registration getRegistration(ComPointAddress srvAddr,
long serialNo,
Vector options) throws CertificateManException
- getRegistration tries to obtain the issued registration from RA. The server
answers this request using sendRegistration.
- Parameters:
- srvAddr: - ComPointAddress of the RA-server.
- serialNo - is the serial number of the template/registration for which the status must be computed
- options: - The vector, that should be used in openInitiatorChannel.
(currently null).
- Returns:
- s Registration received from RA.
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if an error happened during the
communication or the client couldn't get the registration.
- See Also:
- sendRegistration
public static String checkRegistrationStatus(ComPointAddress srvAddr,
long serialNo,
Vector options) throws CertificateManException
- checkRegistrationStatus checks the status of the registration
- Parameters:
- : - srvAddr is the Address of the RA-server.
- serialNo - is the serial number of the template/registration for which status is requested.
- options: - Vector to use in the Communication. (null currently)
- Returns:
- s String describing the status of the registration.
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if an error happened during the
- See Also:
- CertificateConstants, sendRegistrationStatus
public static Certificate issueCertificateRequest(ComPointAddress caAddr,
Vector options,
long serialNr,
int scope,
int type,
Date notValidBefore,
Date notValidAfter,
int state) throws CertificateManException
- After registration I can get certificates from a CA that accepts
the RA I registered with and has an account there. This service sends a
a request to the CA for this certificate. After getting the certificate
it is stored in Arhcive using storeCertificate.
- Parameters:
- caAddress: - ComPointAddress of the CA-server.
- options: - Option-vetor used by openInitiatorChannel.
- serialNr.: - The serialNr I was registrated with, and that
the certificate should contain.
- scope: - Scope I would like for my certificate (signature/
- type: - Type of Certificate (Attribute / Key / Hybrid)
- notValidBefore: - The certificate shouldn't be Valid before
this date.
- notValidAfter: - The certificate should only be valid until
and includeing this date.
- state: - State of this certificate
(Notary/Electronic/point-and-click) etc.
- Returns:
- s boolean indicating whether the Request has arrived at
server or not. If it returns true, the request has arrived
at server, and the certificate can be retrieved later on
with getNewCertificate().
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if an error happened during the
- See Also:
- sendIssuedCertificate
public static Certificate getNewCertificate(ComPointAddress srvAddr,
Vector options) throws CertificateManException
- getNewCertificate tries to get a newly issued certificate after issuing a
sendCertificateRequest in case the certificate was not received previously.
- Parameters:
- srvAddr - is the ComPointAddress of the CA.
- options - is the vector used in openInitiatorChannel
(currently null).
- Returns:
- s the certificate issued by CA. Throws exception, if it
isn't available yet.
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if an error happened during the
- See Also:
- sendCertificate
public static boolean checkCertificate(Certificate cert) throws CertificateManException
- Check whether the Certificate is ok. Later versions will use the preferences to
decide whether the CA should be asked during verification.
This checks, whether:
a) Signature is ok.
b) UserDN is ok.
c) CADN is ok.
d) serialNr is ok.
e) scope is ok.
f) notValidBefore date is ok.
g) notValidAfter date is ok.
h) status is ok.
- Parameters:
- Certificate - cert, that the CA sent.
- Returns:
- s true if ok, otherwise throws a CertificateManException.
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if an error happened during the
public static void removeCertificate(Certificate cert) throws CertificateManException
- Remove the given Certificate from Archive.
- Parameters:
- the - installed certificate.
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if an error happened while trying
to remove the Certificate.
public static ComPointAddress getSrvAddress(String srvDN)
- getSrvAddress uses a Distinguished name of CA/RA to
retrieve a ComPointAddress (this is automagically stored, when
one accesses RA/CA first time).
- Parameters:
- String - srvDN: Distinguished Name of server, as found in
a registration/certificateion.
- Returns:
- s ComPointAddress srvAddr reflecting the correct Address.
public static String[] getAllCAnames()
- getAllCAnames output the distinguished names of all the CA/RAs
at which the Client has registered a Certificate. This function is not
yet fully implemented.
- Returns:
- s String[] array of distinguished names
public static Certificate sendChangeCertificateRequest(Certificate cert,
Vector options) throws CertificateManException
- Send a request to change the Certificate identifed by cert.getSerialNR()
issued by cert.getCADN(). The changes are described in the certificate given
as input parameter. This function is not fully implemented yet.
- Parameters:
- Certificate - cert representing the new certificate
(though CA's signature of course isn't valid any longer)
- CryptoKeyInfo - skey: the secret key which is the
counterpart of the public key in the certificate.
- Returns:
- s new Certificate if the change is accepted, null if the
Change is put on hold, and and exception is thrown if
it is rejected. If the request is put on hold, the
certificate can be retrieved through getChangedCertificate.
This operates the same way as sendChangeCertificateRequest,
ie it sends the certificate, if the change is accepted,
null if the request is still on hold and throws an
exception, if the request was denied.
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if an error happened during the
- See Also:
- changeCertificate
public static Certificate getChangedCertificate(Certificate cert,
Vector options) throws CertificateManException
- Try to get a changed certificate from ca. The ca's name is mentioned
in the certificate, and the serialNr indicates which certificate
I sent a change certificate request for. Again this function is not
fully implemented and should not be used.
- Parameters:
- Certificate - cert representing the certificate to be changed
- Returns:
- s new Certificate if the change is accepted, null if the
Change is still on hold, and and exception is thrown if
it is rejected.
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if an error happened during the
communication or the change is not accepted.
public static Vector getCertificate(Certificate partialCert,
boolean localOnly) throws CertificateManException
- Retrieve the certificate(s) which are like the certificate given
as an argument. In this certificate all fields which I know something
about should be set via cert.setUserDN(), cert.setSerialNo() etc.
An example hereof can be found in Test/ (at the bottom
of this file).
- Parameters:
- partialCert: - Certificate generated from an empty Certificate,
and only with the fields set, which I know something
- Returns:
- s Vector of all the Certificates matching this partial
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if an error happened during the
public static Vector retrieveCertificate(Object partID,
int type,
boolean localOnly) throws CertificateManException
- Retrieve a list of certificates.
This is supposed to be a more user-friendly version of getCertificates.
In order to use it, one must specify a (partial) string defining one of
the String-components of a certificate.
The format is: String[*], ie either "thomasj" or "thomasj*" are
for instance acceptable strings. The first one will look for a specifik
String, whereas the second one will look for Strings starting with
The second parameter determines which field to set (only one field
can be set with this option).
the possible fields are:
CertificateConstants.CADN_FIELD (ca's distinguished name)
CertificateConstants.USERDN_FIELD (users distinguished name)
CertificateConstants.KEYID_FIELD (keyID of the public key)
- Parameters:
- partID - Object identifying certificate (A string if a CADN or USERDN is given. If a KEYID is given this is an AccessName.
- type - fieldtype as shown above.
- localOnly - search local certificates only (in Archive).
- Returns:
- s a vector of certificates matching the (partial) String.
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if an error happens during
the communication or if the Type Field was wrong.
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