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Class semper.util.msgtools.Negotiation


public class Negotiation
extends Object
A communication channel for Negotiations. In this class, we provide a generic method for opening a communication channel. Once the channel is opened, negotiation or other messages can be exchanged via it. We also provide some pairs of methods implementing simple cases of negotiation.

$Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 1996/09/03 11:27:42 $
N. Asokan ([email protected])

Constructor Index

 o Negotiation()

Method Index

 o choose(String, String, ComPointAddress, Vector, Vector, String[])
Select acceptable values from the list proposed by the client.
 o choose(Vector, ComPointAddress, Vector, String[])
Select acceptable values from the list proposed by the client.
 o confirm(String, String, ComPointAddress, Vector, Vector, String[])
confirm (or refuse) an incoming proposal for the value of a parameter.
 o openInitiatorChannel(ComPointAddress, long, long, Vector, String)
Open a channel to the peer as initiator.
 o openResponderChannel(ComPointAddress, long[], long[], Vector, String[])
Open a channel as responder.
 o requestChoice(String, String, ComPointAddress, Vector, Vector, String)
Propose a list of values for the parameters and request the server to choose from it.
 o requestChoice(Vector, ComPointAddress, Vector, String)
Propose a list of values for the parameters and request the server to choose from it.
 o requestConfirm(String, String, ComPointAddress, Object, Vector, String)
Ask if a specific value is a acceptable for the specified parameter.


 o Negotiation
 public Negotiation()


 o openInitiatorChannel
 public static ComPoint openInitiatorChannel(ComPointAddress peer,
                                             long my_transaction_id,
                                             long your_transaction_id,
                                             Vector options,
                                             String ext_ref) throws ComPointException
Open a channel to the peer as initiator. For now, this is a communiation manager channel (ComPoint). Later, this will be a channel via the transfer manager.

peer - address of the peer manager
my_transaction_id - ID of the transaction at the local end, where the message originated (0 for message from manager)
your_transaction_id - ID of the transaction at the peer end that to which the message is being sent (0 for message addressed to the manager)
options - a Vector (placeholder to support security options in the future (currently ignored))
external - reference string
Throws: ComPointException
on communication errors.
See Also:
MessageListHead, openResponderChannel
 o openResponderChannel
 public static ComPoint openResponderChannel(ComPointAddress me,
                                             long a_my_transaction_id[],
                                             long a_your_transaction_id[],
                                             Vector options,
                                             String a_ext_ref[]) throws NegotiationException, ComPointException
Open a channel as responder. Parameters that are single element arrays are used to pass basic types by reference.

me - address of the localmanager
a_my_transaction_id - one element array containing ID of the transaction at the local end on the local end, for which the message is destined (0 for message to the manager)
a_your_transaction_id - one element array containing ID of the transaction at the peer end that sent the message (0 for message from manager)
options - a Vector (placeholder to support security options in the future (currently ignored))
a_ext_ref - one element array containing external reference string. If the element is null, then the incoming external reference will be filled in. If it is not then a check is made to ensure that the specified string matches the incoming string.
Throws: ComPointException
when channel open fails.
Throws: NegotiationException
when external reference strings do not match.
See Also:
MessageListHead, openInitiatorChannel
 o requestConfirm
 public static boolean requestConfirm(String param_name,
                                      String param_class,
                                      ComPointAddress peer_address,
                                      Object value,
                                      Vector options,
                                      String ext_ref) throws NegotiationException
Ask if a specific value is a acceptable for the specified parameter.

param_name - name of parameter.
param_class - class name of the values for this parameter.
peer_address - address of the peer manager.
value - proposed value of parameter.
options - a Vector (place holder to support security options).
ext_ref - external reference string.
yes/no depending on whether the proposed value was accepted.
Throws: NegotiationException
passed up from confirm().
See Also:
confirm, requestChoice
 o confirm
 public static Object confirm(String param_name,
                              String param_class,
                              ComPointAddress my_address,
                              Vector list_of_values,
                              Vector options,
                              String a_ext_ref[]) throws NegotiationException
confirm (or refuse) an incoming proposal for the value of a parameter.

param_name - name of parameter.
param_class - class name of the values for this parameter.
my_address - local ComPoint address to listen in on.
list_of_values - list of acceptable values for the parameter.
options - a Vector (place holder to support security options).
a_ext_ref - one element array containing the external reference string (if the element is null on input, the incoming reference string will be returned in its place)
the value proposed by the client, if accepted or null.
Throws: NegotiationException
on misc errors.
See Also:
requestConfirm, choose
 o requestChoice
 public static Vector requestChoice(String param_name,
                                    String param_class,
                                    ComPointAddress peer_address,
                                    Vector list_of_values,
                                    Vector options,
                                    String ext_ref) throws NegotiationException
Propose a list of values for the parameters and request the server to choose from it.

param_name - name of parameter.
param_class - class name of the values for this parameter.
peer_address - address of the peer manager.
list_of_values - list of acceptable values for the parameter.
options - a Vector (place holder to support security options).
ext_ref - external reference string.
Vector containing values common to both client and server.
Throws: NegotiationException
on misc errors.
See Also:
 o requestChoice
 public static Vector requestChoice(Vector array_of_values,
                                    ComPointAddress peer_address,
                                    Vector options,
                                    String ext_ref) throws NegotiationException
Propose a list of values for the parameters and request the server to choose from it.

param_name - name of parameter.
param_class - class name of the values for this parameter.
peer_address - address of the peer manager.
list_of_values - list of acceptable values for the parameter.
options - a Vector (place holder to support security options).
ext_ref - external reference string.
Vector containing values common to both client and server.
Throws: NegotiationException
on misc errors.
See Also:
 o choose
 public static Vector choose(Vector array_of_values,
                             ComPointAddress my_address,
                             Vector options,
                             String a_ext_ref[]) throws NegotiationException
Select acceptable values from the list proposed by the client.

param_name - name of parameter.
param_class - class name of the values for this parameter.
my_address - local ComPoint address to listen in on.
list_of_values - list of acceptable values for the parameter.
options - a Vector (place holder to support security options).
a_ext_ref - one element array containing the external reference string (if the element is null on input, the incoming reference string will be returned in its place).
Vector containing values common to both client and server.
Throws: NegotiationException
on misc errors.
See Also:
 o choose
 public static Vector choose(String param_name,
                             String param_class,
                             ComPointAddress my_address,
                             Vector list_of_values,
                             Vector options,
                             String a_ext_ref[]) throws NegotiationException
Select acceptable values from the list proposed by the client.

param_name - name of parameter.
param_class - class name of the values for this parameter.
my_address - local ComPoint address to listen in on.
list_of_values - list of acceptable values for the parameter.
options - a Vector (place holder to support security options).
a_ext_ref - one element array containing the external reference string (if the element is null on input, the incoming reference string will be returned in its place).
Vector containing values common to both client and server.
Throws: NegotiationException
on misc errors.
See Also:

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