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Class semper.seccomm.basic.BasicServicesAddress


public class BasicServicesAddress
extends SecComPointAddress
This class defines addresses to be used with the BasicServices service module.

$Revision: 1.15 $ $Date: 1998/07/14 09:30:56 $

Constructor Index

 o BasicServicesAddress(AttributeSet, SituationDescription, ComPointAddress)
Create a BasicServiceAddress.
 o BasicServicesAddress(AttributeSet, SituationDescription, int)
Create a BasicServiceAddress.
 o BasicServicesAddress(AttributeSet, SituationDescription, String, int)
Create a BasicServiceAddress.
 o BasicServicesAddress(AttributeSet, SituationDescription, String, int, String)
Create a BasicServiceAddress.

Method Index

 o getHost()
 o getOwnID()
 o getPeerID()
 o getPort()
 o getProtocol()
 o getSituationDescription()
 o setSituationDescription(SituationDescription)
Set a new situation description.
 o toString()
Creates an string representation of the address.


 o BasicServicesAddress
 public BasicServicesAddress(AttributeSet secAttributeList,
                             SituationDescription situationDescription,
                             String host,
                             int port)
Create a BasicServiceAddress.

secAttributeList - The attributes to be applied.
port - The port of the peer
host - The hostname of the peer
 o BasicServicesAddress
 public BasicServicesAddress(AttributeSet secAttributeList,
                             SituationDescription situationDescription,
                             int port)
Create a BasicServiceAddress.

secAttributeList - The attributes to be applied.
port - The port to open the compoint to.
 o BasicServicesAddress
 public BasicServicesAddress(AttributeSet secAttributeList,
                             SituationDescription situationDescription,
                             ComPointAddress cpa)
Create a BasicServiceAddress.

secAttributeList - The attributes to be applied.
comPointAddress - A ComPointAddress to clone all relevant info from.
 o BasicServicesAddress
 public BasicServicesAddress(AttributeSet secAttributeList,
                             SituationDescription situationDescription,
                             String hostOrMailAddr,
                             int port,
                             String protocol) throws SecComPointException
Create a BasicServiceAddress.

secAttributeList - The attributes to be applied.
port - The port of the peer
hostOrMailAddr - The hostname of the peer or it's mail addr (if protocol==COMPROTOCOL_MAIL)
protocol - The protocol to use, i.e. ComPointConstants.COMPROTOCOL_TCP, ComPointConstants.COMPROTOCOL_MAIL, ComPointConstants.COMPROTOCOL_HTTP,
Throws: SecComPointException
When the protocol is not one of the ComPointConstants.COMPROTOCOL_*-Strings


 o getPort
 public int getPort()
The port.
getPort in class ComPointAddress
 o getHost
 public String getHost()
The host.
getHost in class ComPointAddress
 o getProtocol
 public String getProtocol()
The protocol, i.e. ComPointConstants.COMPROTOCOL_TCP, ComPointConstants.COMPROTOCOL_MAIL, ComPointConstants.COMPROTOCOL_HTTP,
getProtocol in class ComPointAddress
 o getSituationDescription
 public SituationDescription getSituationDescription()
The situationdescription stored at object creation time.
 o setSituationDescription
 public void setSituationDescription(SituationDescription sd)
Set a new situation description.

 o getPeerID
 public String getPeerID()
The peerName from the SituationDescription.
 o getOwnID
 public String getOwnID()
The userName from the SituationDescription.
 o toString
 public String toString()
Creates an string representation of the address.

toString in class SecComPointAddress

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