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public class VmfClass
extends Object
implements Serializable
VmfClass implements the Version Management File(VMF) that keeps information about the state for each package contained in the SEMPER software tool.

$Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 1998/05/28 15:10:03 $
Petros Pantis, Kostas Tzelepis

Variable Index

 o certStore
Contains the reference of the Certificate Blocks contained in the associated VMF

Constructor Index

 o VmfClass()
VmfClass object constructor
 o VmfClass(String)
VmfClass object constructor.

Method Index

 o add(CertificateBlock)
Inserts a new certificate block in the current VMF structure
 o addCertBlock(String, Object[])
Adds a updated certificate block to a vector object
 o checkVmfContents(Hashtable, Download, RandomAccessFile)
Checks the contents of the current VMF with the local stored files
 o compareVmfs(Hashtable, Vector)
Compares a list of VMFs with a list of certificate blocks
 o getCerts()
Retieves all the contained certificate blocks
 o getDiffs(CertificateBlock)
Compares a passed certificate block with the current VMF
 o getDiffs(Vector, Vector[])
Compares a list of certificate blocks with the current VMF structure
 o getFileList(String)
 o getPath()
Retieves the path in which the VMF is located
 o getVersion()
Retieves the version list of all the contained certificate blocks
 o printSelf()
Method used for debugging reasons


 o certStore
 public Hashtable certStore
Contains the reference of the Certificate Blocks contained in the associated VMF


 o VmfClass
 public VmfClass()
VmfClass object constructor

 o VmfClass
 public VmfClass(String dirname)
VmfClass object constructor. Additional the package path name is passed

dirname - package path name


 o getCerts
 public Hashtable getCerts()
Retieves all the contained certificate blocks

value the contained certificate blocks
 o getDiffs
 public int getDiffs(CertificateBlock cb)
Compares a passed certificate block with the current VMF

 o getDiffs
 public boolean getDiffs(Vector certblockinfo,
                         Vector diff[])
Compares a list of certificate blocks with the current VMF structure

certblockinfo - the list of certificate blocks
diff - the storage object in which the changes are registered
value true, if changes are found
 o compareVmfs
 public static Vector[] compareVmfs(Hashtable vmflocal,
                                    Vector certBlockElements)
Compares a list of VMFs with a list of certificate blocks

vmflocal - the list of local VMFs
certBlockElements - the list of obtained certificate blocks
value a list of changes found during the above comparison
 o getPath
 public String getPath()
Retieves the path in which the VMF is located

value the path name
 o getVersion
 public Vector getVersion()
Retieves the version list of all the contained certificate blocks

value a list of the certificate block versions
 o add
 public boolean add(CertificateBlock cb)
Inserts a new certificate block in the current VMF structure

cb - the new certificate block
value true, on success
 o addCertBlock
 public boolean addCertBlock(String certId,
                             Object retVec[])
Adds a updated certificate block to a vector object

certId - the updated certificate block identifier
retVec - the vector storage object in which the above certificate block identifier should be registered
value true, on success
 o printSelf
 public void printSelf()
Method used for debugging reasons

 o checkVmfContents
 public void checkVmfContents(Hashtable files,
                              Download dm,
                              RandomAccessFile out)
Checks the contents of the current VMF with the local stored files

files - the local stored file data
dm - a reference to the download module
 o getFileList
 public Vector getFileList(String certid)

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