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public class Credentials
extends Object
implements Serializable
The crdential module defines all the data types and the associated methods in order to store and to manipulate credentials.

$Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 1998/01/14 11:15:49 $
Petros Pantis, Kostas Tzelepis

Constructor Index

 o Credentials(Certificate, String, String, byte[], long)
Credentials object constuctor

Method Index

 o getCertificate()
Retieves the associated to the credentials certificate
 o getCredential()
Returns the contained credential string object
 o getCredentialBytes()
Returns the contained credential string object
 o getSign()
Retieves the credential signature
 o getSN()
Retieves the sequence number of the credentials
 o toText()
Method used only for debugging reasons


 o Credentials
 public Credentials(Certificate c,
                    String cred,
                    String name,
                    byte sign[],
                    long l)
Credentials object constuctor

c - user's certificate (mobile code issuer's certificate)
cred - the associated, to the above certificate, credential String object
name - credential server's domain name
sign - the credentials signature
l - the credentials sequence number


 o getSign
 public byte[] getSign()
Retieves the credential signature

value returns the credentials server's signature
 o getCredentialBytes
 public byte[] getCredentialBytes()
Returns the contained credential string object

value the credential string object in form of an byte array
 o getCredential
 public String getCredential()
Returns the contained credential string object

value the credential string object
 o getCertificate
 public Certificate getCertificate()
Retieves the associated to the credentials certificate

value the code issuer's certificate
 o getSN
 public long getSN()
Retieves the sequence number of the credentials

value credential's sequence number
 o toText
 public String toText()
Method used only for debugging reasons

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