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Class semper.commerce.InitiatorDeal


public class InitiatorDeal
extends ActiveDeal
This class is instantiated by business applications that request creation of a new commerce deal or reactivation of an existing deal. In both cases a session will be established to a peer RespondentDeal object. A deal cannot be created or reactivated if this session cannot be established.

When the deal is activated it can be inspected and new transactions can be added to it. A business application that is only going to inspect a deal should open the deal in suspended mode if possible.

$Id:,v 1.17 1998/10/06 06:54:16 semper Exp $
Rolf Michelsen, Stig Mj�lsnes
See Also:
RespondentDeal, SuspendedDeal

Constructor Index

 o InitiatorDeal(String, String, String)
Reactivates an existing deal or creates a new active deal with a specific peer.
 o InitiatorDeal(String, String, String, DealQuality)
Creates a new active deal with a peer at a specific address.
 o InitiatorDeal(String, String, String, String, DealQuality)
Creates a new active deal with a specific peer.


 o InitiatorDeal
 public InitiatorDeal(String peerName,
                      String peerAddress,
                      String serviceName) throws AssociationException, QualityException
Reactivates an existing deal or creates a new active deal with a specific peer. A session will be established with the peer RespondentDeal object, and the peer will be authenticated.

This method will attempt to reactivate an existing deal. The user will be given the choice to reactivate any deal with this peer or to create a new deal. The business application cannot require that an old deal must be reactivated or influence which deal is reactivated.

This is a confirmed service, and successfull instantiation of this class is a confirmation that the deal is successfully activated. The constructor will throw an exception if the deal cannot be activated.

This service is not yet implemented. Using this service will result in an exception being thrown.

peerName - The distinguished name of the peer when reactivating an existing deal.
peerAddress - The network address of the peer.
serviceName - Peer business application identifier.
Throws: AssociationException
Thrown if something is wrong with the association with the peer.
Throws: QualityException
Thrown if the quality attributes specified by the business application are incompatible with the user's quality settings.
 o InitiatorDeal
 public InitiatorDeal(String peerAddress,
                      String peerName,
                      String serviceName,
                      String myName,
                      DealQuality quality) throws AssociationException, QualityException, DealException
Creates a new active deal with a specific peer. A session will be established with the peer RespondentDeal object, and the peer will be authenticated.

The business application requesting this service specifies its required deal quality attributes as a parameter to the constructor. The actual deal quality attributes will be a combination of the quality attributes required by the business application and the user. The user's requirements are managed by the commerce layer.

The distinguished name of the initiator must be specified. An initiator may operate under different identities or pseudonyms, and the distinguished name identifies which identity to use for this particular deal. A null value indicates that the default name for this user should be used. A certificate on the specified name must be accessible.

Deal activation is a confirmed service. The constructor throws an exception if deal activation is not successfull.

peerAddress - The network address of the peer. Currently, only IP addresses are supported.
peerName - The distinguished name of the peer of null if the peer name is unknown.
serviceName - Identifies the peer business application that should handle this deal.
myName - The distinguished name of the initiator.
quality - The deal quality attributes.
Throws: AssociationException
Thrown if something is wrong with the association with the peer.
Throws: QualityException
Thrown if the quality attributes required by the business application are incompatible with the quality attributes required by the user.
Throws: DealException
Thrown if there is a problem with manipulating the deal object itself.
 o InitiatorDeal
 public InitiatorDeal(String peerAddress,
                      String serviceName,
                      String myName,
                      DealQuality quality) throws AssociationException, QualityException, DealException
Creates a new active deal with a peer at a specific address. A session will be established with the peer RespondentDeal object. Use this service when the distinguished name of the peer is unknown.

peerAddress - The network address of the peer. Currently, only IP addresses are supported.
serviceName - Identifies the peer business application that should handle this deal.
myName - The distinguished name of the initiator or null for the default name.
quality - The deal quality attributes.
Throws: AssociationException
Thrown if something is wrong with the association with the peer.
Throws: QualityException
Thrown if the quality attributes required by the business application are incompatible with the quality attributes required by the user.
Throws: DealException
Thrown if there is a problem with manipulating the deal object itself.

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