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Class semper.comm.ChannelServicePointThread


public class ChannelServicePointThread
extends Thread
implements ComPointConstants
Defines a channel-service-point thread.

beta-4, 12.8.96
Mehdi Nassehi

Constructor Index

 o ChannelServicePointThread(ComPoint, long, long, long)
creates a service-point thread.

Method Index

 o openResponderChannel(Vector, String)
open a channel as responder.
 o openResponderChannel(Vector, String, long)
Open a channel as responder.
 o run()
main body of ChannelServicePointThread.


 o ChannelServicePointThread
 protected ChannelServicePointThread(ComPoint serverComPoint,
                                     long outstandingChannelTimeOut,
                                     long defaultResponderOpenTimeOut,
                                     long cleaningPeriod)
creates a service-point thread.

serverSocket - socket of the service point
outstandingChannelTimeOut - timeout period in milliseconds, after which an unclaimed channel is discarded
defaultResponderOpenTimeOut - default timeout period in milliseconds, after which an openResponderChannel unblocks
cleaningPeriod - Period in milliseconds at which the expiry times of contexts are checked.


 o run
 public void run()
main body of ChannelServicePointThread.

run in class Thread
 o openResponderChannel
 public ComPoint openResponderChannel(Vector options,
                                      String correlator,
                                      long TimeOut) throws ChannelException, ChannelTimeOutException
Open a channel as responder.

options - a Vector (placeholder to support security options in the future (currently ignored))
correlator - correlator of the desired channel
timeOut - max time in millisecond to wait for a channel
comPoint of the channel
Throws: ChannelException
if already this method is invoked with the same port and correlator
Throws: ChannelTimeOutException
after waiting a timeout period, no matching ComPoint had arrived.
 o openResponderChannel
 public ComPoint openResponderChannel(Vector options,
                                      String correlator) throws ChannelException, ChannelTimeOutException
open a channel as responder. (Same as the above method but with the default timeout of defaultResponderOpenTimeOut.)

options - a Vector (placeholder to support security options in the future (currently ignored))
correlator - correlator of the desired channel
comPoint of the channel
Throws: ChannelException
if already this method is invoked with the same port and correlator
Throws: ChannelTimeOutException
after waiting a timeout period, no matching ComPoint had arrived.

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