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Class semper.certificate.GeneralPolicyId


public class GeneralPolicyId
extends Object
implements Situation
GeneralPolicyId contains restrictions on the BA. If the business application is null no restriction is set, whereas if it is set only the particular value to which it is set may be applied.

Variable Index

 o _ba

Constructor Index

 o GeneralPolicyId()
Empty constructor - Serialiazable.
 o GeneralPolicyId(String)
Create a GeneralPolicyId.

Method Index

 o clone()
Making clone public
 o equals(Object)
Override equals as GeneralPolicyId is going to be used as a key in HashTable.
 o get(String)
Get the value of the field name
 o hashCode()
Override hashCode as GeneralPolicyId is going to be used as a key in HashTable.
 o initialise()
Initialise a GeneralPolicyId
 o refineGeneralPolicyId(GeneralPolicyId)
Refines the GeneralPolicyId according to the argument.


 o _ba
 protected String _ba


 o GeneralPolicyId
 public GeneralPolicyId()
Empty constructor - Serialiazable.

 o GeneralPolicyId
 public GeneralPolicyId(String ba)
Create a GeneralPolicyId.

ba - is a String identifying the business application


 o initialise
 public void initialise()
Initialise a GeneralPolicyId

 o get
 public String get(String fieldName)
Get the value of the field name

fieldName - the name of the field
the value of the field name
 o refineGeneralPolicyId
 protected void refineGeneralPolicyId(GeneralPolicyId arg) throws CertificateManException
Refines the GeneralPolicyId according to the argument. If the object contains null BA the corresponding attribute is restricted according to the argument policy ID.

arg - is the GeneralPolicyId to be used to restrict the given argument
Throws: CertificateManException
if the argument contradicts the GeneralPolicyId.
 o equals
 public boolean equals(Object obj)
Override equals as GeneralPolicyId is going to be used as a key in HashTable.

the - object to compare with
true if the two objects are equal
equals in class Object
 o hashCode
 public int hashCode()
Override hashCode as GeneralPolicyId is going to be used as a key in HashTable.

the hashCode
hashCode in class Object
 o clone
 public synchronized Object clone()
Making clone public

a clone of myself
clone in class Object

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