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Class semper.certificate.CertBag
- public class CertBag
- extends Object
- Retrieves the certbag with the given name from archive.
addToPolicy(CertificateId, Situation)
- Adds a Certificate to a given policy.
- Returns a Vector of CertificateId objects for the given situation
- Returns a Vector of Certificate objects for the given situation
- Returns a Vector of CertificateId objects for the given situation
- Returns a Vector of Situation objects for the given CertificateId
removeFromCerificate(CertificateId, Situation)
- Removes a policy from a given certificate.
removeFromPolicy(CertificateId, Situation)
- Removes a Certificate from a given policy.
satisfyCertificate(CertificateId, CertificateRequirement)
- If a certificate is installed matching the given CertificateRrequirement object this certificate is
retrieved and returned.
selectCertificates(Situation, Vector)
- Select all certificates, which the user has installed for the given situation (policy)
matching the requirements.
selectCertificates(Situation, Vector, String)
- Select all certificates, which the user has installed for the given situation (policy)
matching the requirements.
public CertBag(String name)
- Retrieves the certbag with the given name from archive.
- Parameters:
- name - is the unique name of the bag
public void addToPolicy(CertificateId certId,
Situation situation) throws CertificateManException
- Adds a Certificate to a given policy.
- Parameters:
- certId - identifies the certificate
- situation - identifies the policy to whih the certificate should be added.
- Throws: CertificateManException
- if the caller does not have a certificate corresponding to certId.
public void removeFromPolicy(CertificateId certId,
Situation situation) throws CertificateManException
- Removes a Certificate from a given policy. If situation is null the certificate is removed from
all policies where it is recorded.
- Parameters:
- certId - identifies the certificate
- situation - identifies the policy from which the certificate should be removed.
public void removeFromCerificate(CertificateId certId,
Situation situation) throws CertificateManException
- Removes a policy from a given certificate. If certificate is null the policy is removed from
all certificates where it is recorded.
- Parameters:
- certId - identifies the certificate
- situation - identifies the policy from which the certificate should be removed.
public Vector selectCertificates(Situation situation,
Vector acceptPolicy,
String userName)
- Select all certificates, which the user has installed for the given situation (policy)
matching the requirements.
- Parameters:
- situation - identifies the policy for which certificates should be chosen
- userName - indicates the name which the user wants to use (NULL menas
that there are no restrictions)
- acceptPolicy - describes requirements on the certificastes to be chosen
- Returns:
- Vector of Certificate objects matching the given requirements.
public Vector selectCertificates(Situation situation,
Vector acceptPolicy)
- Select all certificates, which the user has installed for the given situation (policy)
matching the requirements.
- Parameters:
- situation - identifies the policy for which certificates should be chosen
- acceptPolicy - describes requirements on the certificastes to be chosen
- Returns:
- Vector of Certificate objects matching the given requirements.
public Vector getPolicy(Situation situation)
- Returns a Vector of CertificateId objects for the given situation
- Parameters:
- situation - identifies the policy to which the certificate should be added.
- Returns:
- Vector of CertificateId objects corresponding to the given policy.
public Enumeration getCertIds(Situation situation)
- Returns a Vector of CertificateId objects for the given situation
- Parameters:
- situation - identifies the policy to which the certificates should be retrieved
(if situation is null all registered CertificateIds are returned)
- Returns:
- Enumeration of CertificateId objects corresponding to the given policy.
public Vector getCerts(Situation situation)
- Returns a Vector of Certificate objects for the given situation
- Parameters:
- situation - identifies the policy to which the certificates should be retrieved
(if situation is null all registered Certificates are returned)
- Returns:
- Vector of Certificate objects corresponding to the given policy.
public Enumeration getSituations(CertificateId certId)
- Returns a Vector of Situation objects for the given CertificateId
- Parameters:
- certId - identifies the certificate for which the policies should be retrieved
(if certid is null, all registered Situations are returned)
- Returns:
- Enumeration of Situation objects corresponding to the given certificate.
public Certificate satisfyCertificate(CertificateId certId,
CertificateRequirement certRequirement)
- If a certificate is installed matching the given CertificateRrequirement object this certificate is
retrieved and returned.
- Parameters:
- certId - identifies the certificate to be investigated
- certRequirement - describes the requirements on the certificate
- Returns:
- a certificate matching certRequirment (null if none)
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