Class semper.statement.StatementMan
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Class semper.statement.StatementMan
- public class StatementMan
- extends Object
- implements StatementConstants, ComPointConstants, CryptoConstants
Implements the interface for StatementMan
- Version:
- $Revision: 1.25 $ $Date: 1996/09/20 07:31:03 $
- Author:
- Jesper Drud Nielsen ([email protected]), Torben Pryds Pedersen ([email protected])
- See Also:
- StatementManException, StatementTransaction
- Prevents instantiation of objects of this class.
choose(Vector, ComPoint, Vector, String)
- Select acceptable values from the list proposed by the client.
- Initialises the StatementMan object.
- Initialises the vector of integers of the available methods for key exchange
- Initialises the vector of descriptions of the available methods for key exchange
- Converts a constant to a string describing the constant.
- Tells whether StatementMan is initialised.
openInitiatorStatementSession(String, String, boolean[], Vector, String)
- Constructs a StatementTransaction object.
openResponderStatementSession(String, String, boolean[], Vector, String)
- Open a statement session, responder side.
openStatementSession(boolean, String, String, boolean[], Vector, String)
- Open a statement session (used by openInitiatorStatementSession & openInitiatorStatementSession).
- Makes a list of proposed algorithms for the requested service.
requestChoice(Vector, ComPoint, Vector, String)
- Propose a list of values for the parameters and request the server to
choose from it.
- Converts a String to a constant
The conversion is based on two vectors which must have been initialised.
- Makes a list of supported algorithms for the requested service.
- Tell which methods for key exchange are supported.
public StatementMan() throws StatementManException
- Prevents instantiation of objects of this class.
- Throws: StatementManException
- if this method is called
public static boolean isInitialised()
- Tells whether StatementMan is initialised.
The StatementMan is initialised when StatementMan.init() has be called
- Returns:
- s true is StatementMan has been called, false otherwise.
public static void init() throws StatementManException
- Initialises the StatementMan object.
This version generates keys needed for testing
Later on a module will be loaded.
- Throws: StatementManException
- if the preferred Statement module could not be loaded
public static Vector proposeAlgorithms(int secService) throws StatementManException
- Makes a list of proposed algorithms for the requested service.
Based on the list of supported algorithms, available certificates and the
preferences set by the user a list of proposed algorithms for the service
is given. The following encoding for security services is used.
0: Conventional krypto system
1: MAC algorithm
2: Method for making signatures
3: Method for verifying signatures
4: Method for public key encryption
5: Method for public key decryption
6: Hash functions
7: Method for key exchange
- Parameters:
- secService - indicates the security service
- Returns:
- Integer vector of proposed algorithms for the security service
- Throws: StatementManException
- if the secService is not supported
public static Vector supportedAlgorithms(int secService) throws StatementManException
- Makes a list of supported algorithms for the requested service.
The following encoding for security services is used.
0: Conventional krypto system
1: MAC algorithm
2: Method for making signatures
3: Method for verifying signatures
4: Method for public key encryption
5: Method for public key decryption
6: Hash functions
7: Method for key exchange
- Parameters:
- secService - indicates the security service
- Returns:
- vector of proposed algorithms for the security service
- Throws: StatementManException
- if the secService is not supported
public static StatementTransaction openStatementSession(boolean server,
String partnerId,
String serveraddress,
boolean neededAlgs[],
Vector options,
String ext_ref) throws StatementManException, ComPointException, NegotiationException
- Open a statement session (used by openInitiatorStatementSession & openInitiatorStatementSession).
A list of supported algorithms is sent from the initiator to the responder
and the preferred algorithm per security service is returned by the responder
in a StatementCapabilities object. Afterwards, a StatementTransaction
object is returned on both Initiator and Responder side.
Classes of algorithms are
0: Conventional krypto system
1: MAC algorithm
2: Method for making signatures
3: Method for verifying signatures
4: Method for public key encryption
5: Method for public key decryption
6: Hash functions
7: Method for key exchange
- Parameters:
- partnerId - is the name of the counterpart
- servicePoint - is the thread on which the server is listening
- serverAddress - the address of the server (responder side)
- neededAlgs - is an arry of boolean. the i'th element is true if
and only if the i'th class of algorithms above should be negotiated
- ext_ref - external reference string sent by the peer
- Returns:
- An object corresponding to the session
- Throws: StatementManException
- if the transaction object could not be opened
- Throws: ComPointException
- in case of communication problems
- Throws: NegotiationException
- if the negotiation failed
- See Also:
- openInitiatorStatementSession
public static StatementTransaction openInitiatorStatementSession(String partnerId,
String serverAddress,
boolean neededAlgs[],
Vector options,
String ext_ref) throws StatementManException, ComPointException, NegotiationException
- Constructs a StatementTransaction object.
Open a statement session, initiator side. Vectors of supported algorithms
are collected for each type needed in the session. Based on the preference
manager the preferred algorithm is first in the vector (this should be
changed when different negotiation methods are available).
Next the choice of algorithms is negotiated.
The statement man recovers identifiers of keys and certificates
corresponding to the chosen algorithms.
Finally, if required the key exchange module is called to exchange a
conventional session key. This key is stored in archive and its identifier
stored as part of the context.
Classes of algorithms are
0: Conventional krypto system
1: MAC algorithm
2: Method for making signatures
3: Method for verifying signatures
4: Method for public key encryption
5: Method for public key decryption
6: Hash functions
7: Method for key exchange
- Parameters:
- partnerId - is the name partner
- serverAddress - the address of the server
- neededAlgs - is an arry of boolean. the i'th element is true if
and only if the i'th class of algorithms above should be negotiated
- options - is a placeholder for security options (e.g., for
- ext_ref - external reference string sent by the peer
- Returns:
- A StatementTransaction object corresponding to the session
- Throws: StatementManException
- if the transaction object could not be opened
- Throws: ComPointException
- in case of communication problems
- Throws: NegotiationException
- if the negotiation failed
- See Also:
- StatementTransaction
public static StatementTransaction openResponderStatementSession(String partnerId,
String serverAddress,
boolean neededAlgs[],
Vector options,
String ext_ref) throws StatementManException, ComPointException, NegotiationException
- Open a statement session, responder side.
A list of supported algorithms is received from the initiator,
and the preferred algorithm per security service is returned
in a StatementCapabilities object. Afterwards, a StatementTransaction
object is returned.
Classes of algorithms are
0: Conventional krypto system
1: MAC algorithm
2: Method for making signatures
3: Method for verifying signatures
4: Method for public key encryption
5: Method for public key decryption
6: Hash functions
7: Method for key exchange
- Parameters:
- partnerId - is the name of the counterpart
- servicePoint - is the thread on which the server is listening
- serverAddress - the address of the server (responder side)
- neededAlgs - is an arry of boolean. the i'th element is true if
and only if the i'th class of algorithms above should be negotiated
- options - is a placeholder for security options (e.g., for
- ext_ref - external reference string sent by the peer
- Returns:
- An object corresponding to the session
- Throws: StatementManException
- if the transaction object could not be opened
- Throws: ComPointException
- in case of communication problems
- Throws: NegotiationException
- if the negotiation failed
- See Also:
- openInitiatorStatementSession
public static Vector whichKeyExchanges()
- Tell which methods for key exchange are supported.
- Returns:
- vector of Integer of supported methods
- See Also:
- whichAlgs
public static Vector requestChoice(Vector array_of_values,
ComPoint com_point,
Vector options,
String ext_ref) throws NegotiationException
- Propose a list of values for the parameters and request the server to
choose from it.
Client and Server both input their own list of proposed values
for the parameter. The server then picks the intersection
ordered according to client's priority and returns the result
- Parameters:
- param_name - name of parameter.
- param_class - class name of the values for this parameter.
- peer_address - address of the peer manager.
- list_of_values - list of acceptable values for the parameter.
- options - a Vector (place holder to support security
- ext_ref - external reference string.
- Returns:
- Vector containing values common to both client and server.
- Throws: NegotiationException
- on misc errors.
- See Also:
- choose
public static Vector choose(Vector array_of_values,
ComPoint com_point,
Vector options,
String ext_ref) throws NegotiationException
- Select acceptable values from the list proposed by the client.
- Parameters:
- param_name - name of parameter.
- param_class - class name of the values for this parameter.
- my_address - local ComPoint address to listen in on.
- list_of_values - list of acceptable values for the parameter.
- options - a Vector (place holder to support security
- a_ext_ref - one element array containing the external
reference string (if the element is null on input, the
incoming reference string will be returned in its place).
- Returns:
- Vector containing values common to both client and server.
- Throws: NegotiationException
- on misc errors.
- See Also:
- requestChoice
public static void initConstString()
- Initialises the vector of descriptions of the available methods for key exchange
public static void initConstInt()
- Initialises the vector of integers of the available methods for key exchange
public static String int2Str(int elem)
- Converts a constant to a string describing the constant.
The conversion is based on two vectors which must have been initialised.
- Parameters:
- elem - is the integer constant
- Returns:
- string describning the constant (null if the constant is not defined)
- See Also:
- initConstString, initConstInt
public static int str2Int(String str)
- Converts a String to a constant
The conversion is based on two vectors which must have been initialised.
- Parameters:
- str - is the string constant
- Returns:
- the corresponding integer (0 if the str does not define a constant)
- See Also:
- initConstString, initConstInt
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