Class semper.commlayer.CLPay
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Class semper.commlayer.CLPay


public class CLPay
extends CLServices
These methods are called from the SEMPER BAs on Client and Server side (Client does a CLOPay.send , Server does a CLPay.receive). A single payment will be sent from Buyer to Seller.
$Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 1996/08/29 14:54:42 $
Ulrich Einig ([email protected]), Karsten Riede ([email protected])

Constructor Index

 o CLPay()

Method Index

 o receive(CLConnection)
Service to receive a payment from the BA sender site The function allows the sending of a "transparent" data string via SEMPER to a SEMPER server and the corresponding B-application.
 o send(CLConnection, String, CLContentData, Security)
Service to send a payment from the BA sender site.


 o CLPay
  public CLPay()
Constructor. long description with pre/post-conditions etc follows here


 o send
  public int send(CLConnection connection,
                  String ba_description,
                  CLContentData data,
                  Security sattr) throws CLException
Service to send a payment from the BA sender site. The function allows the sending of a "transparent" data string via SEMPER to a SEMPER server and the corresponding B-application. The data itself, that means the format and structure are defined by the BA (e.g. EDIFACT Order, a literature search call, an order for some products). Before the send method is called an object of the class CLConnection has to be created to establish the connection to the remote SEMPER server. If a correct connection is established, the order serivce can be used. The send method creates the corresponding container structure within the transfer layer and send it to the remote system. Before sending the data, this information will be displayed on the TINGUIN window.
connection - object representing the connection to be used to send data to the remote host.
ba_description - very short informal description of the BA
payment - reference to a structure containing all data for the payment.
sec_attributes - reference to a structure contaning all relevant security attributes for the order.
returns status of payment transactions
Throws: CLException
A serious error occured during attempts to send a container.
send in class CLServices
See Also:
CommLayer, CLServices, CLContentData, Security
 o receive
  public CLContentData receive(CLConnection connection) throws CLException
Service to receive a payment from the BA sender site The function allows the sending of a "transparent" data string via SEMPER to a SEMPER server and the corresponding B-application. The data itself, that means the format and structure are defined by the BA (e.g. EDIFACT Order, a literature search call, an order for some products). Before the receive method is called an object of the class CLConnection has to be created to establish the connection to the remote SEMPER server. If a correct connection is established, the order serivce can be used. This method receives a data container from the remote system via the transfer layer and delivers and extracts its contents in order to deliver it to the requesting BA.
connection - object representing the connection to be used to send data to the remote host.
returns status of payment transactions
Throws: CLException
A serious error occured during attempts to receive a container.
receive in class CLServices
See Also:
CommLayer, CLServices, CLContentData, CLException, Security

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