The proces of issuing certificates can be divided into two subprocesses, namely registration at the RA and issuing a new certificate by CA based upon a registration issued by a RA that the certificate-issuing CA accepts as a RA. As CA and RA are currently coupled as one entity, the CA in effect only accepts registrations issued by itself.
In order for a module to support the certificate manager, it at least implement the Certificate interface. In addition to this interface the certificate block defines an interface that can be used for registration in RCModuleInterface .
Before doing anything else, the Certificate Manager has to be initialized by calling init in CertificateMan, with myID being the distinguished name of CA/RA or user, isCA equalling true if this is a CA/RA, and template being a generic Template to be used by this RA in the registration proces. As yet the Certificate Manager doesn't support more than one template at a time, and it will not be possible to use more than one during the first trial.
If the CertificateMan is invoked by a client to CA/RA, the myID
should be a unique ID for that person (for instance
This public key is called a trusted public key, as the user
principally trusts its validity. When the user has received the
trusted public key of the RA, he has to call
installTrustedPK(String raDN, CryptoKeyInfo trustedPK).
Hereafter he has to send a request to the RA for a template
to be filled in by the user. This is done by calling
sendTemplateRequest(ComPointAddress srvAddr, Vector options), which
returns a Template sent by the server (options is currently always
The template will contain one filled field, namely the ra's
distinguished name (transferred in the sendTemplateRequest).
All other fields will have to be filled in by the user (which happens
Hereafter the user calls CryptoMan.generatePubKeyPair to generate a
public key pair to be registrated with,
and calls
fillinTemplate(Template templ, CryptoKeyInfo pkey)
with the
template received from the server and the public key of the newly
generated public key pair.
FillinTemplate returns a filled-in template to be sent to the RA
The user now has to wait for the server to make a registration based
upon this filled in template. (S)he can issue the commands
checkRegistrationStatus and
getRegistration in the meantime.
CheckRegistrationStatus will check the status of the registration
process and if it returns CertiticateConstants.REGISTRATION_FINALIZED,
the registration
is made an can be retireved via getRegistration. getRegistration will return
null, if the registration isn't finalized and otherwise the registration.
After receiving the registration, the user can call
checkRegistration(Registration reg), which will check
the validity of the registration (currently only whether the signature
is correct with respect to the trusted public key as installed
in the first step).
Finally the user should call
installRegistration(Registration reg)
to save the registration via ArchiveMan. This completes the registration
The server will then check the registration
and issue a Certificate
if the signature on the request
is correct and the user requesting the Certificate
is the same as the username in the registration. Hereafter the
server will send the newly issued Certificate back to the client, and
issueCertificateReq will return this Certificate.
The certificate can then be installed by calling
installCertificate(Certificate cert).
Finally the user is able to call verifyCertificate(Certificate cert),
which will verify the certificates signature, whether the certificate
is still valid, etc.
These methods could be used to establish an authentication proces:
A user connects to a site (let's say OTTO's Homepage). OTTO have
registrated themselves at the CA, that the client uses and have
a list of serialNr's and the corresponding CA's at which OTTO
have registrated themselves:
If this certificate exists, the user can use
the public Key given in this Certificate to verify signatures
from OTTO. Of course he has to intially tell OTTO, that they should
sign their messages with this CryptoKeyInfo, but this is not the
concern of the certificate Manager.
Apart from these methods the user can issue the commands
sendCertificateChangeReq(Certificate newCert, CryptoKeyInfo skey),
where newCert is how the user would like the Certificate
identified by newCert.getSerialNr() at newcert.getCADN() to look
like after the change (this Certificate is signed through the
skey, corresponding to the public Key in the Certificate). The
user can also use
sendRegistrationChangeReq(Registration newReg, CryptoKeyInfo skey),
where newReg corresponds to the new look of the registration and
the skey is the secret key corresponding to the public key inside the
This loop should run in thread for itself, while the server
will also be able make other things (like revokeCertificate()).
All the incoming requests from the client (as stated before) are
handled by this method (which in turn calls other methods that
are doing the real work). Apart from the handling of requests
the manager will provide the possibility of revoking certificates
and registrations by revokeRegistration(Registration reg),
revokeCertificate(certificate), revokeAllCertificates(String DN)
and revokeAllRegistrations(String DN). The handleRequest()
respectively, if the user has asked to change something in the
Certificate/Registration. The server should then provide means
of checking whether the requested changes will be made or not.
The existing Certificate/Registrations SerialNr which the user
wants to change can be retrieved via getExistingCert(String DN)
and getExistingReg(String DN) respectively, and it's only
possible to change one Certificate/Registration at a time.
If the server accepts the changes, the Certificate Manager can
call acceptChangeReg(String DN) and acceptChangeCert(String DN)
in order to tell the server that the changes are accepted.
The Registration Process
Before the user can get registrated, (s)he has to retrieve a
trusted public key of the RA. How this public key actually is
retrieved isn't considered yet, but it might for instance come
on a disk (maybe it is downloadable through the 'welcome'-www-page
of the RA). One might consider giving the user a chance to verify
this public key against some hashvalue also to be placed on the
disk or on the 'welcome'-www-page.The Certificate issuing process
The client can after registrating at an RA as described above
use the returned registration to get one certificate issued for
him(her) by the CA (only one certificate will be issued per
registration). The user calls
issueCertificateReq(ComPointAddress srvAddr, int serialNr
int scope, int type, Date startValid, Date endValid). This will look
up the registration done by the RA and the nr serialNr (which the
user can retrieve by calling reg.getSerialNr(), if reg is the Registration
returned by the RA.
This should invoke a proces at the CA
to issue a certificate for the pkey contained in the registration
with nr. serialNr. This certificateshould contain the other parameters
as well (reservedSN, scope, type, startValid and endValid). The
secret key corresponding to the public key
stored in the registration will be used to sign this request.
Other services to clients
Apart from issuing certificates the user of course wants to retrieve
certificates and verify them as well.
This is handled by
getCertificate(String DN, long serialNr,
CryptoKeyInfo pkey, String CADN). This method
will return a Vector of Certificates, that match the search
If only
the distinguished name is given, all Certificates issued by all
CA's, at which the user has registrated himself, are returned.
If only the serialNr is given, all Certificates (one per CA)
from the CA's the user has a registration at, with that serialNr
are returned. The same holds true for the pkey.
If more than one of DN, serialNr and pkey is given, the search is
limited to those certificates satisfying these requirements.
If a CADN is given (ie CADN!=null), only the CA with name CADN
is asked for certificates, otherwise all CA's, the user has contacted
in the registration phase, are called.
Certification Authority | SerialNr
VBZ Bayern | 1239087
Stiftung Warentest | 9801272
Now the user has registrated himself at VBZ Bayern, and uses
cert=getCertificate("OTTO",1239087,null,"VBZ Bayern") to retrieve
a certificate from VBZ Bayern issued for OTTO under the serialNr
1239087. He can check this certificate by verifyCertificate(cert)
and if it returns OK, then this certificate and the public Key
inside this certificate are OK - as of now the user might
still want to check, whether the certificate is to be
used to sign messages with, but as the SecuDE-certificates to
be used in the first trial probably aren't supporting this
field, the getType() will only return CertificateConstants.TYPE_NYI
(Type NotYetImplemented), so the check is of no real use right now.The Server Side
On the CA-server side things are currently much easier for
other managers/layers. The server has to call CertificateMan.init()
just as the client has to do (though isCA should
be true and the Template should be a Template, ie not null,
for instance new Template(). The server can thereafter go into an
endless loop calling handleRequest(ChannelServicePointThread,
Vector options), where the options-vector currently should be null.
number cert.getSerialNo() (if cert is returned by handleRequest) to content the data from cert.
This loop should run in thread for itself, while the server will also be able make other things (like revokeCertificate()).
All the incoming requests from the client (as stated before) are handled by this method (which in turn calls other methods that are doing the real work). Apart from the handling of requests the manager will provide the possibility of revoking certificates and registrations by revokeRegistration(Registration reg), revokeCertificate(certificate), revokeAllCertificates(String DN) and revokeAllRegistrations(String DN). The handleRequest() funtion will return CHANGE_CERTIFICATE_REQ and CHANGE_REGISTRATION_REQ respectively, if the user has asked to change something in the Certificate/Registration. The server should then provide means of checking whether the requested changes will be made or not. The existing Certificate/Registrations SerialNr which the user wants to change can be retrieved via getExistingCert(String DN) and getExistingReg(String DN) respectively, and it's only possible to change one Certificate/Registration at a time.
If the server accepts the changes, the Certificate Manager can call acceptChangeReg(String DN) and acceptChangeCert(String DN) in order to tell the server that the changes are accepted.