The Archive Service



The archive service provides a local storage for the needs of the various managers of the SEMPER architecture. It's features are detailled in the SEMPER activity paper, 221SP035: Specification of the Archive Manager.

There is one archive per installed SEMPER application. Thus, respective data regarding different users running successively the SEMPER application will be stored in the same archive. This point must be taken into account when naming the objects to be stored in order to avoid conflicts.

The archive package includes two main parts:

Database files will be generated by the archive manager at the first initialisation and will remain after that on the user's computer hard disk. The location of these .db files is parametrisable in the semper configuration file.

Archive Manager

The Archive Manager is mainly implemented by the class ArchiveMan. No ArchiveMan object can be instanciated, all its methods are class methods. The other public classes required to use the archive services are the class AccessName and the Archive exception classes.

Class: ArchiveMan

Class: AccessName

There are three exception classes :

Class: ArchiveManException

Class: ArchiveObjNotFoundException

Class: ArchiveOverwriteException

Protected classes used by the Archive Manager methods :

Class: Attributes

Class: Surrogate

Some test programs for the Archive Manager are in the Test directory

Database Module

The database module is implemented using the interface defined by the interface class Database which has the methods store, delete, readDate, readAttr, readData, modify, traverse (search).
All access to the database module must be done via the Archive manager.

Class: DatabaseNoIndex

Some test programs for the database are in the Test/Test directory.


The current version of the archive manager offers services that allows secure storage and retrival of objects without the access control features.

Under construction


Updated: February 03, 1997.