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Class semper.certificate.TrustDomain


public class TrustDomain
extends Object

Constructor Index

 o TrustDomain(String)
Constructs the TrustDomain for a given user by reading all information about the user from archive.

Method Index

 o add(String, CAInformation)
Adds a CA to the TrustDomain.
 o add(String, String, String)
Adds a CA to the TrustDomain.
 o addKey(String, String, CryptoKeyInfo)
Method for recording a public key for a trusted CA.
 o getAddress(String, String)
Method for getting the address of a trusted CA.
 o getAllCAs()
used to retrieve a list of all trusted CAs.
 o getCAInformation(String, String)
Getting CAInformation corresponding to a given CA and module.
 o getCAs(String)
Returning a Vector of CAs supporting a given module.
 o getInformation(String)
Returning an enumeration of CAInformation objects recorded for a given CA.
 o getKey(String, String)
Method for getting a public key recorded for a trusted CA.
 o getModule(String)
Returning a Vector of names of modules supported by a given CA.
 o isTrusted(String, String)
used to ask if a (CA,module) pair is trusted.
 o removeModule(String, String)
Removing the module in case it should no longer be considered initialised.


 o TrustDomain
 public TrustDomain(String userId)
Constructs the TrustDomain for a given user by reading all information about the user from archive.

userId - is the user login name for SEMPER


 o isTrusted
 public boolean isTrusted(String moduleName,
                          String caName)
used to ask if a (CA,module) pair is trusted.

moduleName - is the name of the module
caName - is the (public)name of the CA is the new CAEntity to be added
true if the given pir is trusted.
 o add
 public void add(String caName,
                 CAInformation information)
Adds a CA to the TrustDomain. If a CAInformation with the same module name is already recorded for the same nothing is done.

caName - is the (public)name of the CA is the new CAEntity to be added
information - is the information to be recorded for the CA.
See Also:
 o add
 public void add(String caName,
                 String moduleName,
                 String caAddress)
Adds a CA to the TrustDomain.

caName - is the (public)name of the CA is the new CAEntity to be added
moduleName - is the name of the module (if null simply ignored)
caAddress - is the IP address of the CA (if null simply ignored)
 o getAllCAs
 public Enumeration getAllCAs()
used to retrieve a list of all trusted CAs.

Enumeration of Strings with the names of the CAs that have been added.
 o getModule
 public Vector getModule(String caName)
Returning a Vector of names of modules supported by a given CA.

caName - is the (public) name of the CA is the new CAEntity to be added
a Vector of String objects with the names of the recorded modules.
 o getInformation
 public Enumeration getInformation(String caName)
Returning an enumeration of CAInformation objects recorded for a given CA.

caName - is the (public) name of the CA is the new CAEntity to be added
enumeration of CAInformation objects recorded for a given CA
 o getCAInformation
 public CAInformation getCAInformation(String moduleName,
                                       String caName)
Getting CAInformation corresponding to a given CA and module.

moduleName - is the name of the module
caName - is the name of the CA
CAInformation object corresponding to the CA and module (null if no information is recorded)
 o getCAs
 public Vector getCAs(String moduleName)
Returning a Vector of CAs supporting a given module.

moduleName - is the name of the module
Vector of strings containing the names of the CAs supporting the modules.
 o removeModule
 public void removeModule(String moduleName,
                          String caName)
Removing the module in case it should no longer be considered initialised.

moduleName - is the name of the module. If modulename is null all modules for the CA are removed
caName - is the (public) name of the CA
Throws: CertificatemanException
if the module could not be removed (insufficient information).
 o addKey
 public void addKey(String moduleName,
                    String caName,
                    CryptoKeyInfo pubKey)
Method for recording a public key for a trusted CA. An existing key is simply overwritten!

moduleName - is the name of the module
caName - is the name of the CA
pubKey - is the key to be registered with the CA
 o getKey
 public CryptoKeyInfo getKey(String moduleName,
                             String caName)
Method for getting a public key recorded for a trusted CA.

moduleName - is the name of the module
caName - is the name of the CA
the key be registered with the CA (null if no key)
 o getAddress
 public String getAddress(String moduleName,
                          String caName)
Method for getting the address of a trusted CA.

moduleName - is the name of the module
caName - is the name of the CA
the address of the CA (possibly null)

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