The Business Application Framework in the SEMPER Architecture

The above figure presents the Business Application Framework with respect to the SEMPER architecture [SEMPER Deliverable D02].

The Business Application Framework

The Business Application Framework provides the basis for the specification and realization of customized Business Applications. It consists of the following components:
BAFrmWrk Package:
This package contains the hierarchy of classes that define the categories of Business Applications. This hierarchy aims to structure and organize the extensibility of the system over Business Applications. Any node of this hierarchy is a class that encapsulates customized Business Application services. A specific Business Application class may contain a specific Authentication, Payment, etc., realizations out of a set of available ones provided by the BAService PAckage. For example the EUROCOM and FOGRA Business Applications may be defined by extending a business application that encupsulates Authentication and On Line Payment where the OTTO Business Application may be defined by extending a busines application of that encupsulates Authentication and Invoice Payment.
BAService Package:
This package contains the hierarchy of classes that define categories of SEMPER Services. These classes provide the means to combine, extent the SEMPER primitive services as well as create composite ones. For example there may be provided a service for payment and a service for payment that authenticates the merchant as well.
Business Specific BAs:
This is not a package. Is the set of Business Application classes of specific companies (EUROCOM, FOGRA, OTTO, etc) created by extending the classes offered in the BAFrmWrk Package and/or using and extending services provided in the BAService Package.